Superior Pharmaceutical Care

Gencore Rx is a trusted provider of consultant pharmacist services. Our goal is to provide superior pharmaceutical care to patients residing in residential facilities.
About Gencore

The Gencore Rx Strategy

Our strategy is to keep our partners facilities up to standard and survey ready. This allows our partners and patients to receive superior pharmaceutical care, reduce hospital readmissions and preventable fees from citations by enhancing regulatory compliance.
Superior Pharmaceutical Care
Medication Regimen Reviews
Infection Control
Controlled Medication Audits
Cost Effective Solutions
Controlled Substance Destructions
Dedicated Consultants
In Service Education
Therapeutic Formulary Interchanges
Prevention Stats
Gencore Rx provides superior pharmaceutical care to our partners and their patients. We optimize the patient care process and reduce our partners patient workload.
States Below the Doctor to Patient Ratio
37 States
Deaths from Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
42,300 People
Average Unnecessary Medical Care Costs
$282 Million
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